Friday, August 21, 2020

The Rainy Day free essay sample

Looks can be deluding, yet the grand perspective on sprinkling showers is past our envisioning power. In spite of the way that, nearly everybody likes downpour, however in the event that it rains in winter, individuals discourage on going out to appreciate the spilling showers of the downpour. Youngsters consistently come to like the downpour, since it is downpour that, bring delight and a present of evolving climate. From summer to winter and to and fro. I constantly like the downpour and particularly, the blustery day. Since it makes me wonder, how might it look want to show myself into a solitary, desolate drop of the downpour? That would be actually a lot for kids, to disperse grins over their appearances. It makes me wonder about god’s love and love in each and every blustery drop. It is downpour that permits each plant to be renewed, as from the most modest piece of them to the extremely bigger scopes, all are being reawakened. We will compose a custom article test on The Rainy Day or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Now and again, downpour shows as a characteristic fiasco. What's more, individuals, same downpour sweethearts cease to exist from the own special downpour. It is nature, since individuals travel every which way from portion of one moment to a thousand years of year. After downpour has gone, what next is a blossom going to sprout.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to Choose College Essay Samples in the UF Format

How to Choose College Essay Samples in the UF FormatThere are hundreds of colleges and universities which offer essay samples for college admissions. So if you are reading this article, you must be serious about your chances of getting accepted.The student needs to be honest and clear. They have to know what they are writing. The college essay sample should be selected according to the topic, structure and style that are required.Firstly, they need to be clear about what they want to say. Then, they need to select the appropriate format of the essay. For instance, they can start with a question such as, 'Why do you want to pursue a certain career?' Or, they can write a review of their work in the past.In fact, there are so many college essay samples available on the internet that it would be impossible for the student to find out what is required. It is necessary to know the exact type of essay that they need to write. Students are advised to refer to an essay outline, which usually contains step by step instructions about how to write an essay.While going through the college essay samples, they need to make sure that the one they are using is updated and reliable. The topic should also be specific and not general.College essay samples are also in uf format. If you are a new comer to this format, it is best that you learn this from an experienced writer.Writing the essay can be hard for the students. However, with the help of an experienced writer, they can be very comfortable in this difficult job. An experienced writer can guide them on the correct writing style.The college admission letter is one of the most important documents in the admissions process. The applicants need to prepare and submit such a letter.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Interpersonal Communication Theories - 527 Words

INTRODUCTION The author will analyse scenario 5 (appendix a) as he has no practical experience of Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNAR) and believes this is an excellent opportunity to professionally develop himself in order to improve future patient care. This assignment will reflect, in relation to paramedic practice, on legal, professional and ethical frameworks whilst also considering interpersonal communication theories that impact on the delivery of care. Legal frameworks, including the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and Human Rights Act (HRA) 1997, will be scrutinised alongside professional frameworks offered by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), such as the Standards of conduct, performance and ethics (2012). The impact of these frameworks upon duty of care, consent, capacity and best interests will be examined whilst various interpersonal communication theories will be explored, including transactional analysis and the influence of verbal and non-verbal communication. A concl usion will then be offered with well-supported reasoning for this decision. LEGAL Society uses law as a framework to be abided by with the distinct aim of keeping the public safe (Gallagher and Hodge, 2012; Griffith and Tengnah, 2010). To uphold, the Health Professions Order 2001 legislation established the regulator now known as the HCPC with whom paramedics must register (Health and Care Professions Council, 2012c; Health and Care Professions Council, 2014b). Professional Run byShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Interpersonal Communications1491 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction One of the most dominant theories in the field of interpersonal communications is Uncertainty Reduction Theory. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory was created by Berger and Calabrese in 1975. It is a communication theory from the post-positivist tradition, it is the only communication theory that specifically considers the initial interaction between people prior to the actual communication. Have you ever been invited to participate in an activity and you did not know anyone there expectRead MorePersonal Theories Of Interpersonal Communication921 Words   |  4 Pages Interpersonal communication plays a major role in our everyday life, as it helps to form the relationships we have with other people. The relationships we develop contribute greatly to how we learn and grow as individuals. Communication is significant in relationships because it is the foundation for social life and it allows one to start, nurture, and terminate relationships with others. A relationship can be formed when a reciprocal message process occurs between two or more people. For exampleRead MoreInterpersonal Communication Theory1064 Words   |  5 PagesThesis: The interpersonal communication theory; expectancy violations theory can be applied to the 2003 romantic comedy film, â€Å"How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days†. This essay will discuss the three core concepts of Expectancy Violations Theory in detail; expectancy, violation valence, and communicator reward valence, using scenes throughout the film. The first core concept of EVT is expectancy, in the film expectancy can be applied by looking at the scene where Andie and Ben first come in contact at aRead MoreInterpersonal Communication Theories And Concepts1686 Words   |  7 PagesQuestion have you ever thought about the different Interpersonal Communication theories/concepts we use on a daily basis, I have thought about it long and hard to figure out how many different communication theories in our life we use or even in a favorite movie we love to watch. In this essay I will be writing an analysis paper on the movie â€Å"The Notebook its about a young man named Noah Calhoun from South Carolina he met a rich girl named Allie they fell desperately in love, but her parents donRead MoreCommunication Theory Of Interpersonal Communication Essay1219 Words   |  5 PagesProposal: Applying Communication Theory to the Study of Interpersonal Communication Marriages in the United States is at an all-time low, while divorces are at an all-time high. One may wonder why is that. Some couples are divorcing because of irreconcilable differences. One could ponder if divorce is a solution due to a breakdown in communication. This proposal will determine if communication theory can be applied to interpersonal communication to create a lasting relationship. This study willRead MoreThe Key Theories Of Interpersonal Communication1824 Words   |  8 Pagesto information society caused dramatic changes in the public consciousness, providing the rapid development of the theory of interpersonal communications and its active putting into practice. Supported by the powerful research base, effective interpersonal communication makes an individual’s life bright and complete. This paper explores several theories of interpersonal communication, illustrating some issues with own examples. Combined with collected during the semester data, theoretica l issues suggestRead MoreCommunication Theories That Are Apart Of Interpersonal Communication1931 Words   |  8 PagesThere are a number of communication theories that are apart of interpersonal communication. Today I will be using the cognitive dissonance theory, social judgement theory, and the organizational theory when convincing three people to attend the sport management alumni tailgate. The three people I am looking to persuade are my uncle Dave, my younger cousin Ryan, and one of my closest friends named Wes. When deciding on who I wanted to persuade I looked for three people who vary in age as my uncleRead MoreInterpersonal Communication : Social Exchange Theory1581 Words   |  7 PagesInterpersonal Communication: Social Exchange Theory Interpersonal communication can be described as communication that occurs between two or more individuals. While communication can be either verbal, nonverbal, or written, interpersonal communication is more commonly practiced through face to face, verbal communication (Burton, 2011). The interpersonal communication process begins with a â€Å"sender†, which is the person that is communicating a message to another person. The â€Å"receiver† is the personRead MoreThe Social Penetration Theory Of Interpersonal Communication814 Words   |  4 PagesThe Social Penetration Theory interpersonal communication was proposed by the psychologists and theorists, Altman and Taylor in 1973, with the idea of offering an explanation for the closeness or intimacy that can develop between two people. â€Å"The social penetration theory states that as relationships develop, communication moves from relatively shallow, no intimate levels to deeper, more personal ones.†(Altman and Taylor in 1973.) They also proposed that this process towards closeness, is regulatedRead MoreConflict Management, Interpersonal Communication, And Motivational Theories1106 Words   |  5 Pagesof conflict management, interpersonal communication, and motivational theories and their significance to the overall success of an organization. As we dig deeper into the material for leadership and management, the shining theme throughout our readings has been self-less leadership (Satterlee, 2013). This week, we focused on the importance of interpersonal communication, and conflict management. Owner, leaders, and managers must understand the importance of communication especially if any conflict

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Media Studies Video Games - 1360 Words

Media Studies Essay - AS91254 Violence in Video Games In recent years there have been plenty of cases of music, people, games, etc, being used as scapegoats so authorities can jump to conclusions about violent events and blame these as the main reason for such an event to take place. To give people an answer that may not even have any supporting evidence. Nowadays violence in video games is up to the level of killing people as the norm with many popular titles having this apart of the game. In many games that is the one of the main features that add together to create the game. Some game titles that include violence and killing are ‘Call of Duty,’ ‘Halo,’ ‘Grand Theft Auto,’ ‘Mass Effect,’ ‘Battlefield,’ ‘Counterstrike: Global Offensive,’ and ‘Doom.’ All of these games main storylines include the need to attack and kill to progress forward (Mainly with guns). But does this create a bad effect on people? Is this making people more likely to be viol ent? Even kill in real life? This is the particular ethical issue that violence in video games is having. The argument to prove if video games are really a cause of anger and if they cause a more aggressive and again violent person just by playing. In the world there are over 1.2 billion people that play video games, which is about 44% of the online population (comScore data cited by Spil Games). With majority of games including some form of violence, ranging from being very gentle lego fights to full on gore and guts in 18+Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children And Adolescents Essay1325 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the hottest issues in the media in the past decade is violence in video games and how violent video games influence aggressive and violent behavior in children and adolescents. Some psychologists believe violent video games influence violent behavior in children through social learning and modeling behaviors after characters in video games that â €Å"glorify† violence and criminals (Schultz Schultz, 2013, p. 331). Other psychologists argue that other factors, such as poor socioeconomic statusRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Violent Behavior Among Young Children1525 Words   |  7 Pages The Effects of Video games on Violent Behavior among Young Children Julian A. Jaggon University of Central Florida The Effect of Video games on Violent Behavior among Young Children Just how popular are videogames? In today’s society very popular, not only do our kids and teenagers play video games but even grown men and women play them as well. Video games are now more popular than watching television or going to the movies. According to Center forRead MoreEssay on Video Games and Violence1481 Words   |  6 Pagescan express to in most of these cases they are entertainment media like video games. Now I know there are some who would disagree that video games have nothing to with this about this topic. However as this paper goes deeper in this issue we can finally find out whether video games had influence regardless how powerful it is on gun violence. Throughout this paper we research what type of behavioral and psychological effect video games especially those very heavy gun violence in them, and what weRead MoreViolent Media And Its Impact On Aggression1544 Words   |  7 PagesViolent Media and Its Impact On Aggression In Adolescence In recent trends, adolescents in the United States are now experiencing an explosive rise in the usage of technology. There have been many technological advances since the 20th century such as the invention of the Internet, cellular devices, and other screens. However, the new generation of adolescents in America; the â€Å"millennials,† are the ones living through and experiencing this new economy and lifestyle. Millennials and many other youngRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence1345 Words   |  6 PagesOn television, iPads, cell phones, and even specially made devices for babies and children. Video games are interwoven with our daily lives. For many, it is just an innocent way to relax or enjoy themselves. For others, it has become an addiction in which they cannot escape. Not all video games are violent, but what about those that are? Does society have an obligation to monitor every type of video game children and adults play simply because they believe it may lead to acts of violence? PsychologistsRead MoreSeparating Violence : Reality And Video Games1368 Words   |  6 PagesJonathan Weinberger 9/22/2014 Separating Violence in Reality and Video Games Children play. The manner in which children have played has frequently changed throughout the years. There was a time where sticks or index fingers were used to symbolize guns or bows in order for children to play â€Å"cowboys and Indians.† Later, the same mechanisms were used as children would play â€Å"cops and robbers.† Children mimic what they see in reality when it is time to play. However, children are not known to mimic whatRead MoreDo You Think Violent Video Game Exposure Effect The Behavior Of Children?1244 Words   |  5 PagesDo you think violent video game exposure effect the behavior of children? Introduction Studies show that exposure to violent video games affects the behavior of children.Some have vandalized, beat someone up, took part in bullying someone.As many as 97% of US kids age 12-17 play video games, contributing to the $21.53 billion domestic video game industry. More than half of the 50 top-selling video games contain violence. Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullyingRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On The Media1550 Words   |  7 Pageseffect of violence in the media is a big controversy; some say it affects are society and others say that there is not any proof of this. There are many theories on how violence in media does, and how it does not, affect our society. Many people claim watching television or even playing video games will affect children’s or young adults’ minds. Researches claim that they found no evidence of change in aggressiveness in children or young adults while playing video games. Researchers allowed childrenRead MoreMultimedia Violence : A Grave Threat Of Teens Of The New Generation. Craig A. Anderson1585 Words   |  7 Pageseminent director of the Center for the Study of Violence at Iowa State University, commented on multimedia violence saying, â€Å"Exposing children and adolescents (or ‘youth’) to violent visual media increases the likelihood that they will engage in physical aggression against another person. By ‘physical aggression’ we mean behavior that is intended to harm another person physically, such as hitting with a fist or some object. A single brief exposure to violent media can increase aggression in the immediateRead MoreThe Effects of Violent Video Games on the Young1575 Words   |  6 Pageslike the bad reputation rock and roll music received in the 1950’s, violent video games have been questioned and looked down upon as a newer form of influential media. Violent video games have been blamed for bullyin g, school shootings, increasing rape, and increasing the amount of women being abused. Despite the popular belief that video games can be very harmful to a child’s mind and cause violent behavior, video games don’t cause as much psychological damage to children as people have been trying

Sustainability Reporting Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Sustainability Reporting. Answer: Introduction Organization is comprised of several set of activities which are performed with a view to achieve certain goals and objectives. Annual report is the main document which is used by stakeholders to gauge whether company has been complying with all laws and regulations. With the increasing ramification of changes in organization working conditions and customized value chain activities, it is observed that corporate sustainability is major factor in the success of organization. throughout the time, directors and promoters of organizations are more inclined towards creating companys brand image through providing positive impacts on society (Busco, et al. 2013). As the word sustainability directly relates to environment in which organizations run their business and survive. Discussion Environment is consisted of many resources which are used by organizations for operating their business (Baumgartner and Ebner, 2010). Therefore, For opalescent future of our next generation companies have started to make corporate sustainability check on management and proper utilization of resource. However, there was time when companies were focusing on enhancing the financial report to maintain goodwill in the market neglecting the issues related to environment, society and government which were tremendously destroyed and new sustainability reporting was introduced on international level. Therefore, in order to mitigate damage to three of the main referred accounts of environmental, social, and governance(ESG) sustainability reporting has been taken into consideration. It could be defined as a non financial report of a company prepared to know how efficiently and effectively resources are being utilized by organizations while keeping in the mind ESG under the guidelines of GRI (G lobal Reporting Initiatives). If company includes sustainability reporting in their annual report then it will not only result into legal compliance but it also reflects that company has also been indulged in providing best possible benefits to society and environment. Sustainability reporting in annual report of company reflects green, clean and better economic and commercial health to a company which helps company to make better relationships with investors, stakeholders and employees. Annual report is comprised with several documents which reflect the true position of company (Wolf, 2014). It is further observed that Annual report is consisted with corporate governance report, financial statement, directors report and auditors report. If company adds on corporate sustainability reporting in its annual report then it would allow stakeholders and other public to gauge effectiveness of business performance in non financial terms. In addition to this, it will provide how company has been indulged in providing benefits to environment and economy (Searcy, 2012). It is further observed that if management department has focus on using its resources efficiently and providing benefits to organizations then using sustainability reporting in annual report would result into creating effective brand image and various benefits to organizations. In addition to this, increased transparency for sustainability reporting in organizations will provides transparency to business which helps to improve performance and accountability structures. It displays the negative and positive aspects of a company. It is observed that utilizing sustainability reporting in present scenario has brought a great change in environment and business functioning of organizations. It is evaluated that better utilization of natural resources and intellectual products could not only increase sustainability of organizations in economy but also increased its brand image. Therefore, keeping in the view on sustainability report, International Integrated Reporting Council also playing an important role in developing sustainability report guidelines for corporations throughout the world. IIRC concentrates on the financial stability of a business. It acts as an invisible backbone of a corporation. It creates the bridge among investors, stakeholders and organization (Benn Dunphy and Griffiths, 2014). It works of the simple concept of business management thats from planning to implementation ensures long term stability helps investors to able to understand the valued structure of the organization. It allows an organization to create a bond between people, society, and environment and finance (Baumgartner, 2014). These terms are basically specified as six capitals of given factors, finance, infrastructure, people, society, intellectuals and environment. It is evaluated that before IIRC introduced investors were facing a problem in investing in a company without a clear vision of its stabili ty. The stagnant capital was affecting the worldwide the businesses. The organizations were not able to provide the quality and improved informations to its investors. Therefore, the emergence of IIRC provides several benefits to organizations worldwide. The IIRC helped to manage the co- operation among companies worldwide. It works on future oriented communication. It also helps to manage the key risk factors of the business. It brings the relevancy and strategy to a sustainable economy. It provides stakeholders in taking good amount of outcome in a short span of time with better allocation of resources. It is globally creating a trust and unity framework among regulators, investors, stakeholders, and employees. It connecting companies as it is providing a clear vision in corporate sector. All organizations believe in dealing with its risk and opportunities which are affecting its ability to create value over short, medium and long term. It also suggests a way to an organization un der various circumstances it operates itself by strategy and allocation of resources. It encounters the pursuing strategies and potential implications for its business and its future performance. IIRC helps in gauging the requirement of corporate sustainability and its importance for organizations which result into increment in complying of corporate sustainability. Conclusion Sustainability reporting in annual report of company provides green, clean and better economic and commercial health to a company which helps it to make better relationships with investors, stakeholders and employees. There are several roles which are provided by International Integrated Reporting Council such as framing policies, establishment of nexus between international and domestic sustainability reporting frameworks and developing a standard set format for organizations for their better sustainability reporting. Now in the end, it would be inferred that International Integrated Reporting Council has provided several benefits to organization in making effective sustainability reporting (Van Marrewijk and Werre, 2013). References Baumgartner, R.J. and Ebner, D., 2010. Corporate sustainability strategies: sustainability profiles and maturity levels.Sustainable Development,18(2), pp.76-89. Baumgartner, R.J., 2014. Managing corporate sustainability and CSR: A conceptual framework combining values, strategies and instruments contributing to sustainable development.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,21(5), pp.258-271. Benn, S., Dunphy, D. and Griffiths, A., 2014.Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge. Busco, C., Frigo, M.L., Quattrone, P. and Riccaboni, A., 2013. Integrated reporting.Concepts and Cases that Redefine Corporate. Searcy, C., 2012. Corporate sustainability performance measurement systems: A review and research agenda.Journal of business ethics,107(3), pp.239-253. Van Marrewijk, M. and Werre, M., 2013. Multiple levels of corporate sustainability.Journal of Business ethics,44(2), pp.107-119. Wolf, J., 2014. The relationship between sustainable supply chain management, stakeholder pressure and corporate sustainability performance.Journal of business ethics,119(3), pp.317-328. Answer:

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The purpose of showmanship Essay Example For Students

The purpose of showmanship Essay It was a good place strategically for Edward to build an English castle. The River Seiont is right next to the castle, making it easy for Edward to bring in supplies. There was the rich agriculture of Anglesey right next to him, and the Menai allowed quick access between N. Wales and the West Coast. It was the perfect place to base an English invasion of Wales. Edward managed to create a centre of English influence that had previously had a very anti-English feel to it. But there were also historical reasons for why Edward may have wanted to build his castle there. We will write a custom essay on The purpose of showmanship specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The castle was built around a preserved Norman Mottle and close to the Roman fort of Segontium, says a source written in a CADW booklet. Some Historians believe that Edward was on a great ego trip at the time and was obsessed with total power. He may have wanted to try and give the impression that he was the true heir and successor of both the Norman conquerors and of Imperial Rome. Segontium lay in ruins just under a mile from where Edward was building Caernarfon at the time. Overall, it would have been a great power image for Edward. It is also written in the same source that the fact that Edward built Caernarfon around the Norman Mottle, and so close to Segontium, ostentatiously embodied Edwards claim to be both the successor of the Norman conquerors and the true heir of Imperial Rome. This source backs up my point that Edward wanted to be as powerful as the Norman conquerors and the Emperors of Rome. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Richard III section.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Lease Preferred Coworker Essays

Lease Preferred Coworker Essays Lease Preferred Coworker Essay Lease Preferred Coworker Essay The LPC scale is used in contingency theory to measure a persons leadership style. For example, it measures your style by having you describe a coworker with whom you had difficulty completing a job. This does not need to be a co-worker you disliked a great deal, but rather someone with whom you least like to work. After you have selected this individual, the LPC instrument asks you to describe your coworker on 18 sets of adjectives. Low LPCs are task motivated. They are individuals whose primary needs are to accomplish tasks and whose secondary needs are focused on getting along with people. In a work setting, they are concerned with achieving success on assigned tasks, even if at the cost of having poor interpersonal relation- ships with coworkers. Low LPCs gain self-esteem through achieving their goals. They attend to interpersonal relationships, but only after they first have directed themselves toward the tasks of the group. Middle LPCs are socio-independent leaders. In the context of work, they are self-directed and not overly concerned with the task or with how others view them. They are more removed from the situation and act more independent than low or high LPCS. High LPCs are motivated by relationships. These individuals derive their major satisfaction in an organization from getting along with people-inter- personal relationships. A high LPC sees positive qualities even in the co- worker she or he least prefers, even though the high LPC does not work well with that person. In an organizational setting, the high LPC attends to tasks, but only after she or he is certain that the relationships between people are in good shape. Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) Measure[i][ii] INSTRUCTIONS: Think of the person with whom you can work least well. He or she may be someone you work with now or someone you knew in the past. He or she does not have to be the person you like least well, but should be the person with whom you had the most difficulty in getting a job done. Describe this person as he or she appears to you. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Scoring | |Pleasant |8 | |7 | |6 | |5 | |4 | |3 | |2 | |1 |Unpleasant |   | |Friendly |8 | |7 | |6 | |5 | |4 | |3 | |2 | |1 |Unfriendly |   | |Rejecting |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Accepting |   | |Tense |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Relaxed |   | |Distant |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Close |   | |Cold |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Warm |   | |Supportive |8 | |7 | |6 | | 5 | |4 | |3 | |2 | |1 |Hostile |   | |Boring |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Interesting |   | |Quarrelsome |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Harmonious |   | |Gloomy |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Cheerful |   | |Open |8 | |7 | |6 | |5 | |4 | |3 | |2 | |1 |Closed |   | |Backbiting |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Loyal |   | |Untrustworthy |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Trustworthy |   | |Considerate |8 | |7 | |6 | |5 | |4 | |3 | |2 | |1 |Inconsiderate |   | |Nasty |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Nice |   | |Agreeable |8 | |7 | |6 | |5 | |4 | |3 | |2 | |1 |Disagreeable |   | |Insincere |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Sincere |   | |Kind |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |8 |Unkind |   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Total: |   | | Scoring Interpretation Your final LPC score is determined by adding up the numbers you circled on all of the 18 scales. If your score is 57 or below, you are a low LPC, which su ggests that you are task motivated. If your score is within the range of 58 to 63, you are a middle LPC, which means you are independent. Individuals who score 64 or above are called high LPCs and they are thought to be more relationship motivated. Because the LPC is a personality measure, the score you get on the LPC scale is believed to be quite stable over time and not easily changed. Low LPCs tend to remain low, moderate LPCs tend to remain moderate, and high LPCs tend to remain high. As was pointed out earlier in the chapter, research shows that the test-retest reliability of the LPC is very strong (Fiedler Garcia, 1987). [i] SOURCE: Adapted from F. E. Fiedler and M. M. Chemers, Improving Leadership Effectiveness: The Leader Match Concept (2nd ed. ). Copyright  © 1984. [ii] Northouse, Peter G. Leadership Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. , 2001. 86-7.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Best Volunteer Abroad Programs You Should Try

The Best Volunteer Abroad Programs You Should Try SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips By now you probably know that one thing colleges want to learn about you is how you spend your free time. Did you spend high school sitting around playing video games? Or did you get out, actively involve yourself in an activity and your community, and make a difference? One way of doing just that has become increasingly popular over the past several years: volunteering abroad. Read on for more on why students volunteer abroad, tips for choosing a volunteer abroad program, and our pick of some of the best volunteer abroad programs out there. Why Do Students Volunteer Abroad? There are many reasons that high school students choose to volunteer abroad. Some are looking for a unique volunteering opportunity that they think they can’t get at home. Going abroad to volunteer serves a dual purpose for many students: it allows them to combine a vacation and a little world exploration with also bettering their resumes for college. Students use volunteer abroad programs to see new cultures from the inside – or at least, from a different perspective than they would normally have on vacation sitting in a hotel room. Many volunteer abroad programs allow students to interact with (and sometimes live with) people from another culture. Students feel that this helps them develop tolerance, widen their world views, and become more independent and adventurous. Many students also like the idea that they're giving back while having fun. There are all sorts of programs out there to suit different interests: you could be working with animals, helping the environment, or teaching children how to read. It gives students a sense of accomplishment when they can actually see the difference they're making in someone else’s lives. Why not do that while also seeing a new part of the world? The Reality About Volunteer Abroad Programs Of course, many of the benefits of volunteer abroad programs can also be achieved by volunteering at home. You can still expose yourself to a new culture and learn how other people experience life. You can still make a difference that you can see every day. You’ll still be able to use your skills to make an impact in another person’s life and simultaneously build your college resume. And you can be more certain that you aren’t falling for a volunteer abroad scam that’s doing more harm than good. In fact, many colleges will look more favorably on local volunteer work than volunteering abroad. This is largely for all the reasons I stated above – colleges would rather see you volunteering because you are actually passionate about the work you are doing and the community you are helping, rather than trying to boost your resume while on vacation. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t volunteer abroad. It can still be an amazing experience. But when you do it, choose a program wisely. So How Should I Choose a Program? Considering the above, there are a few rules that you should follow when choosing a volunteer abroad program. Rule 1: Be Honest with Yourself About Your Intentions Why do you really want to do this program? Is it just so that you’ll have something cool to put on your college application? Is it because you want to travel but not feel like you're wasting your time? Answering these questions honestly will keep you from wasting your money and someone else’s time. The desire to travel and learn about another culture is fantastic in and of itself. So if this is your main aim, try doing something else, like a study abroad program. It will allow you to make the most of your travel time and budget, and will also ensure that the people who go abroad to volunteer are actually interested in making an impact in their chosen projects. If you're just looking to bolster your resume, try volunteering at home. As explained above, colleges will look more highly on longer-term, local community service work, than they will on a brief project undertaken abroad. In the meantime, you’ll be saving yourself a bundle of money as well. Rule 2: Be Prepared for the Costs of the Program Volunteer abroad programs vary a lot in cost. They can range from a couple hundred dollars to several thousand. Make sure that if you do decide to spend the money on a volunteer abroad program, that it’s going to be a good use of your money. Be sure to ask yourself if you wouldn’t be better off volunteering locally and saving the money for college. Furthermore, it’s important to consider where the money is actually going in the project you're undertaking. Will most of the money be spent on transportation? On fun activities? On lining the pockets of the program coordinator? Or will it be going directly to helping a community? Most companies will not advertise these numbers publicly because they know the numbers won’t impress people. Make sure that part of your research of your programs includes calling them up and asking for this information. Once you know how much of your money will be going to the program, also ask yourself if the community would be better off if you just donated the full amount. But money isn’t the only cost of these kinds of programs. There can be large emotional tolls, as well. Are you prepared to immerse yourself in another culture? Can you adapt to extreme differences in living conditions and lifestyles? Are you a picky eater? Can you stand to be away from your family and friends for a long period of time? Can you handle interacting with people severely affected by poverty and illness? You won’t be of much use to anyone if being outside of your comfort zone is going to massively affect your productivity. So be honest with yourself before you sign up to try something as potentially challenging as one of these programs. Rule 3: Choose a Program That Will Benefit the Community This is the other side of the cost breakdown mentioned above. It’s important to understand how the money you're spending is going to help the community you will be involved in. It’s also important to understand if you're actually going to be doing work that will make a difference, or if you'll be doing work that makes you feel good but has little other real benefit. Do research and read reviews on the different programs to make sure they're legitimate and are actually helping out communities in need. Beware of volunteer abroad programs that are vacation in disguise, and those that are harmful scams. Rule 4: Choose a Program You Are Passionately Interested in If you choose a program that you're actually passionately interested in, it will usually be something that is reflected in your other interests, as well. You should try to pick a program that relates to interests that you already have, and ideally, that you have expressed elsewhere in your extracurricular activities at home. For example, say you love growing vegetables in your garden, and you're becoming increasingly interested in organic farming. A volunteer abroad program that allows you to explore your specific interest would be a good choice for you. Rule 5: Choose a Cause You Can Continue Working With Also, try to pick a program with a cause you can continue working for once you return home. Colleges want to see significant and sustained commitment to a certain area. So if you choose a volunteer abroad program that helps out endangered wildlife, follow it up by working at a local animal shelter once you get back, or become an advocate for local wildlife. Rule 6: Choose a Program That Will Challenge You Though you don’t want to aim for emotional burnout, at the same time you should choose a program that will expose you to new things, immerse you in a foreign culture, and force you to think about the world in a different way. For example, I knew several people in high school who went on youth group trips to build houses in Central America. The programs allowed them to interact almost exclusively with their friends the entire time, and exposed them very little to the local culture. At the end of the day, they had little understanding of why they were building houses, whom the houses were going to benefit, and if the work they had done had taken away potential jobs from the local community. If, in researching, the program seems to add little value to the local community and won’t allow you to get a good understanding of the problems and culture of the country you're visiting, there isn't much point in going. Instead, choose a program that will allow you to have a unique understanding of another culture, or will develop an interest in international relations or social justice. Now that you know what’s important in choosing a volunteer abroad program, here is a roundup of some of our favorites. These all cover a wide range of interests that many high school students have. They all have good programs for developing those interests, and would allow you to pursue similar volunteer work once you are back home. The Best Volunteer Abroad Programs for High School Students For students interested in sustainable living and organic farming†¦ Program Name: WWOOF: World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms What is it? Students live with host families around the world while learning about organic lifestyles. You’ll be expected to help out in farming activities such as sowing seed, gardening, cutting wood, harvesting, wine making and cheese making for 4 – 6 hours per day in exchange for accommodation and food. Who is it for? Students who are 17 and older who are interested in organic farming and sustainable lifestyles, and also want to work and be part of a local community. Where is it? The program is worldwide! Countries throughout Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia participate. How long is the program? The length is negotiated directly with your host family. Stays can be as short as two weeks but can also last for several months. How much does it cost? Membership in WWOOF costs up to $72, plus the costs of traveling to your host’s location. Why do we like it? Students get complete cultural immersion through living with a host family and involving themselves in the local economy. They learn practical sustainable farming skills that they can continue to use when they're back home. How can you continue it back home? Organic farms are popping up throughout the country, and WWOOF also operates throughout the United States, which would give you ample opportunities to continue to pursue this interest once you get back. For students interested in language immersion and/or teaching English†¦ Program Name: SPI Abroad’s Costa Rica Immersion Program What is it? A chance to live in Costa Rica like a local, while getting an intensive immersion experience. You will live with a local family. Monday through Friday, students will attend level-appropriate intensive Spanish classes at a local language institute. They will also spend time 3 days per week volunteering in the local communities. Some examples of volunteer work include home repair, public works projects, working with youth, and nature preservation. Who is it for? High school students who are specifically looking for a language intensive experience. Where is it? Costa Rica How long is the program? 2 weeks or one month How much does it cost? $3,695 - $6,995 Why do we like it? Students get total cultural immersion through living with a host family. They also get the chance to further understand the culture by studying the local language. The volunteer projects are varied and can be tailored to suit students’ individual interests. How can you continue it back home? You can continue volunteering while using your Spanish skills. Many non-profits needs volunteers with language skills so that they can reach out to different underrepresented communities. Depending on the specific volunteer work you do, you may want to volunteer with youth programs or an environmental program. Program Name: Global Works France Language Immersion and Service Adventure What is it? Volunteers spend their time working with local French teens on volunteer projects, such as restoring the grounds of an 11th-century castle, helping maintain migration routes, and teaching English at summer camps. Students will have the opportunity for a 10-day homestay with a French family to complete the immersion experience. There are also many opportunities to learn about French culture. Who is it for? Students grades 9 – 12 who want a French immersion experience. Where is it? France How long is the program? 4 weeks How much does it cost? $6,995 Why do we like it? Students get to mingle with local teens, which is one of the most effective ways of getting to understand a new culture. They can further the cultural immersion through homestays with family. The volunteer projects are undertaken in collaboration with like-minded local students. How can you continue it back home? You can continue volunteering while using your French skills. Many non-profits need volunteers with language skills so that they can reach out to different underrepresented communities. You can volunteer locally to help preserve local cultural artifacts. You can also consider tutoring French. Program Name: Broad Reach West Indies French Immersion What is it? An intensive language immersion program on an island where English isn't spoken. You will take French classes in a language school, have a homestay with a local family, and do community service such as cultural exchange with local students, working in the local youth group â€Å"Ka zot ka fe†, and helping teach key English phrases to local workers. Who is it for? Grades 9 – 11 with at least one year of high school level French. Where is it? Several islands in the French West Indies How long is the program? 3 weeks How much does it cost? $5,980 Why do we like it? Students get opportunities for cultural and language immersion through classes and a homestay. Students help open up new business opportunities for local business owners by helping them to learn business English. How can you continue it back home? You can continue volunteering while using your French skills. Many non-profits need volunteers with language skills so that they can reach out to different underrepresented communities. You should also consider tutoring French and working in a local youth group. For students interested in sports†¦ Program Name: UVolunteer Teaching Sports in Thailand What is it? Many schools in Thailand can’t afford to have PE programs. You’ll be working in elementary schools and high schools in Trat as a PE coach. If you're interested in a certain sport, you can teach that, or you can teach general PE classes to help kids learn about teamwork and physical fitness. Who is it for? Teens aged 17 and older. Where is it? Thailand How long is the program? 2 weeks or more How much does it cost? $685 + Why do we like it? Students live in a small dorm in the middle of a Thai community out of the way of tourist areas. Students report being able to spend extensive time getting to know the groups of local families that surround them, which leads to great cultural immersion. Students get to interact daily with teachers and students, so they can experience first-hand the educational system of another country. How can you continue it back home? Continue volunteering in sports by coaching a youth sports team in your community or at your old grade school. For students interested in wildlife conservation†¦ Program Name: Go Eco What is it? GoEco was founded by experienced volunteers to give students opportunities to volunteer worldwide to help the environment and wildlife. Some trips include working in an elephant village in Thailand, working for Great White Shark conservation in South Africa, and an African wildlife rehabilitation center in Zimbabwe. Who is it for? Teens and others interested in working to help the environment. Where is it? Worldwide. How long is the program? Programs range from 2 to 12 weeks. How much does it cost? Programs start at $550. Why do we like it? Many of the programs start with a language-learning program, which allows volunteers to get more fully immersed with the local culture once the program begins. Many of the programs partner with local conservation groups so that students are working alongside locals to help fulfill their goals. How can you continue it back home? There are a lot of opportunities to get involved cleaning up your communities, raising awareness about eco-friendly practices, or working to help local animals at shelters. Program Name: GVI Greece Marine Conservation Awareness What is it? Join a group of international volunteers as they work to conserve endangered loggerhead turtles that live in the sands of Greek beaches. You’ll get to do various conservation projects, such as recording nesting activity, protecting hatchlings, and raising awareness. Who is it for? This program is specifically aimed at students aged 15 – 17. Where is it? Greece. How long is the program? 2 – 4 weeks How much does it cost? From $3,390. Why do we like it? Volunteers report a rigorous schedule of science lectures and conservation activities, from which they are able to see immediate and large results. Though working with an international group, volunteers also get to visit small local towns to interact with locals and get cultural immersion. How can you continue it back home? There are a lot of opportunities to get involved cleaning up your communities, raising awareness about eco-friendly practices, or working to help local animals at shelters. For students interested in art†¦ Program Name: Art Relief International What is it? Art Relief International works with struggling people in Chiang Mai, Thailand, by offering them the means to express themselves through art. Volunteers from a range of backgrounds help out with constructing new art projects, writing to donors, and working with the local community on art projects. Who is it for? People of all ages who are interested in art, art therapy, music, writing, teaching, graphic design, and fundraising. Where is it? Thailand How long is the program? You should plan to spend at least three weeks. How much does it cost? From $1,799. Why do we like it? Volunteers work closely with local community partners to create workshops and learn to communicate while lacking a common language. The focus is on doing work that benefits local non-profit organizations and collaborating with them to make long-term programs that they can continue using once the volunteers have left. How can you continue it back home? Take this as an opportunity to develop your artistic and leadership skills, and then bring that back to your home community. See if you can worked with disadvantaged groups or local youth groups to help people express themselves through art or music. For students interested in law and business†¦ Program Name: Law Business in China for Teens What is it? You will be given an overview of the Chinese legal system, and then spend your time visiting law firms and legal departments. Help research case studies, proofread documents, and increase cultural understanding. Who is it for? Teens aged 16 – 19 with an interest in law Where is it? Chengdu, China How long is the program? 2 weeks How much does it cost? $3,270 Why do we like it? Students get to work alongside local professionals, which allows for great cultural exchange. The work students do is directly applicable to careers they can pursue in the future. How can you continue it back home? Volunteer with a non-profit’s legal team to see how law can be used to make a positive impact in your own community. Program Name: Human Rights in South Africa for Teens What is it? Spend two weeks in South Africa living with a host family and working with locals in townships, while learning about how their lives are affected by poverty, crime, and racism. Work with local civil rights activists to learn about how they have solved problems in the past and discuss how to address continuing social justice issues. Who is it for? Students ages 16 – 19 who are considering a career in human rights Where is it? Cape Town, South Africa How long is the program? 2 weeks How much does it cost? $3,445 Why do we like it? Students get to work alongside local professionals, which allows for great cultural exchange. The work students do is directly applicable to careers they can pursue in the future. How can you continue it back home? Volunteer with a local non-profit that is committed to solving community problems like racism and poverty. For students interested in public health and medicine†¦ Program Name: Broad Reach Belize Wilderness Emergency Medicine What is it? Students will be trained and receive certification as a Wilderness First Responder and also get CPR certification. The courses will count towards 3 college credits in health science. Afterwards, you will work with La Loma Luz Hospital and the local communities on educational campaigns and other work such as assisting with medical paperwork, taking blood pressure and other vitals, and creating a week-long health campaign. Who is it for? Students grades 10 – 12 with an interest in medicine. Students must be over the age of 16. Where is it? Belize How long is the program? 22 days How much does it cost? $5,480 Why do we like it? Students get to work alongside local professionals, which allows for great cultural exchange. The work students do is directly applicable to careers they can pursue in the future, and the skills learned are easily transferred to volunteer projects back home. How can you continue it back home? Consider volunteering in a local hospital or a free health clinic to continue to provide necessary services to people who can least afford them. Program Name: Public Health in Tanzania for Teens What is it? Learn about public healthcare in a developing country. You will spend your time doing medical outreach work alongside local doctors and nurses, such as educating children in orphanages about the importance of washing their hands. You will also be able to assist doctors where possible. Who is it for? Teens ages 16 - 19 Where is it? Arusha, Tanzania How long is the program? 2 weeks How much does it cost? $2,970 Why do we like it? Students get to work alongside local professionals, which allows for great cultural exchange. The work students do is directly applicable to careers they can pursue in the future, and the skills learned are easily transferred to volunteer projects back home. How can you continue it back home? Consider volunteering in a local hospital or a free health clinic to continue to provide necessary services to people who can least afford them. For students interested in journalism†¦ Program Name: GLA Photography and Journalism Program What is it? GLA (Global Leadership Adventures) is developing a program for students who dream of one day working for National Geographic or a similar publication and who want to get real experience in how journalism can shape international perceptions. GLA operates their programs in non-tourist areas of developing countries. Who is it for? High school students interested in journalism Where is it? Worldwide How long is the program? The programs usually range between one and six weeks. How much does it cost? Programs start around $3,400 Why do we like it? Though the program is still in development, GLA has a strong reputation for placing students in non-touristy villages where they get large exposure to local culture and are able to work closely with staff members from their host country. GLA also has a unique leadership mentoring program, which pushes students to reflect on how they can use the skills they have learned to continue making a difference once they return home. How can you continue it back home? Get involved in your school or community newspaper. For students interested in archaeology†¦ Program Name: Archaeology in Romania for Teens What is it? Work at a classical archaeological site in Brasov, Romania. You’ll spend time doing excavations, analyzing findings, attending workshops, and conducting presentations. Who is it for? Teens 16 – 19 years old who have an interest in Eastern Europe, classical civilizations, and history. Where is it? Romania How long is the program? 2 weeks How much does it cost? $3,445 Why do we like it? Projects Abroad allows volunteers to stay with host families for cultural immersion while learning practical excavation, analysis and reporting skills that they can use in future jobs. The money paid for the project goes towards making sustainable long-term conservation and community service projects around the world. How can you continue it back home? Consider volunteering with a museum if you're interested in history and learning about past civilizations. You can also start showing interest in your studies (such as taking Latin classes). Program Name: Inca Projects and Archaeology in Peru for Teens What is it? Work outdoors on archaeological activities in the Inca’s Sacred Valley of Peru. You’ll be working with local archaeological experts to help uncover Incan ruins, and will also help run community projects with the other volunteers. Who is it for? Teens aged 16 – 19. Where is it? Peru How long is the program? 2 weeks How much does it cost? $2,970 Why do we like it? Projects Abroad allows volunteers to stay with host families for cultural immersion while learning practical excavation, analysis and reporting skills that they can use in future jobs. The money paid for the project goes towards making sustainable long-term conservation and community service projects around the world. How can you continue it back home? Consider volunteering in a museum. Depending on where you live, some museums may have volunteer positions that will allow you to continue studying Native American cultures. Review: How to Find the Right Program for You Don’t see something on this list that speaks to your interests? Try searching online for programs that relate to something you're passionate about. There are hundreds of volunteer abroad programs, and chances are good that there will be one that will allow you to develop one of your passions. Remember the key things to look out for when you're choosing a program: Understand where the money will be going and how you will be benefiting the local community Choose something that will allow you to pursue a passion or academic interest Find a program that will let you work in an area that you can continue working in back home Try something that will challenge you to learn and grow A bit of research and review reading should let you know if you've found a volunteer abroad program that’s worth pursuing. What’s Next? Not sure if volunteering abroad is for you? Check out our article on the benefits of volunteering abroad. If you’re interested in something more local, check out the 9 best places to do community service. Already volunteered? Read this guide to how to get a good community service letter. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Comparing and contrasting HMO and PPO insurance programs Essay

Comparing and contrasting HMO and PPO insurance programs - Essay Example Whenever a policyholder needs the services of a specialist doctor, the PCP needs to be visited to refer the specialist to be visited by the policyholder, HMO or PPO. Difference between HMO and PPO comes in the PCP aspect. For HMO, there is no choice; the member has to identify a PCP but in PPO, it is not mandatory. It depends on the will of the members to choose a PCP or not. In other words, the PPO members can select a specialist by their own (Daltons, 2007). Personally, I would like to opt for HMO, reason being it suits my needs. I do not need to search for any specialist myself. Whosoever the specialist, I will be referred to by the PCP; it would relieve me from the tension of finding a good specialist. It is cost-effective also, as I will be eligible for coverage or benefits, not available in PPO for getting medical care outside of the private network. I need not pay from my own pocket if I select HMO, as my healthcare insurance provider (Dalton, 2007). It needs to be noted that a PPO member will not pay extra if the chosen doctor is from the preferred providers, but the HMO member can consult only the selected PCP. If there is some emergency, the selected PCP would refer the case to the specialist in the HMO network only. In the case of PPO, advanced permission might be required for costly services, such as MRIs. Even in HMO, procedures and prescription services and copayments for doctor visits are charged. In PPO arrangement, out-of-network charges are only partly paid (Behari, 2010). Role of the PCP is very critical in HMO, as it is the PCP who caters to all healthcare needs of the insurer. A PCP functions as a personal doctor to attend to all needs of the patient. A PCP could either be an internal medicine physician, family physician, and in some HMOs, gynecologists to offer essential healthcare for women. A PCP can be a pediatrician too or a family doctor as well, as per one’s choice for getting treatment for

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Counterfeiting is NOT a major problem for Branded good companies Essay

Counterfeiting is NOT a major problem for Branded good companies engaged in International Strategic Marketing - Essay Example Counterfeiting is production of goods similar to the original article; they are cheaper alternatives of the original and there may not be perceivable difference in quality (Phau, Teah & Lee, 2009). OECD (1998) defines counterfeiting as any manufacturing of a product which so closely imitates the appearance of the product of another to mislead a consumer that it is the product of another. Hence it also includes trademarks and copyrights infringements, including packaging and labeling or any other significant feature of the product. Counterfeiting is a civil offence, a criminal crime apart from being a social, political and serious economic problem (Bian & Veloutsou, 2007). However, according to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development, 2007) the total value of counterfeit goods in 2005 was $200 billion (Gistri et al. 2009) and by 2007 it has estimated to have exceeded $500 (Phau, Teah & Lee, 2009). It is estimated that about 15% of the branded products sold across the world are counterfeit (Cross, 2006). The core target for counterfeiting brands is the luxury brands. It has increased to such proportions because of global trade and emerging new markets (Phau & Teah, 2009). Counterfeiting thrives because in some countries such as the US, their legal system protects only functionality and not designs or the style. In other countries even this level of protection is not present (Hilton, Chot & Chen, 2004). Countries like China and Hong Kong has no way to deal with counterfeiters and moreover, many times counterfeiting takes place outside the jurisdiction of a country (Nejdet, 2000). North Korea too engages in secret counterfeit printing and packaging of billions of cigarettes and drugs sold in the US (Cross, 2006). Phillips Morris has been able to trace the counterfeit version of its Marlboro brand at more than 1300 stores in the US. Such illicit activities generate more than half a billion US dollars. The counterfeiting is done so

Friday, January 24, 2020

Boston Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was a bright, sunny day at Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox, in Boston. Entering the park for this could-be historic game, the smell of freshly cut grass mingles in the air with the scent of â€Å"Fenway franks†, the parks signature foot-long hot dogs. The game pits the Boston ace, Pedro Martinez, against the one-time red Sox star, now New York Yankee star, Roger Clemens. The Red Sox fans boo as Roger begins to toss his warm-up pitches off to the side. He is getting older, but his fastball still has enough zip behind it to make a SNAP as it hits the catcher’s glove. Meanwhile, the Boston infield is taking ground balls, and the outfielders is shagging flies on the outfield grass, and left fielder Darren Lewis is practicing fielding fly-balls off of the Green Monster, the tall left field wall, with the manually operated scoreboard in it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pedro emerges from the dugout to thunderous applause from the Red Sox fans, a smattering of boos from the Yankee faithful that have made the trip from the big apple, and the familiar guitar from AC/DC’s â€Å"Thunderstruck† blaring from the PA system. Just before Pedro's last warm-up, the catcher yells â€Å"throwin’ it down!† to signify that this is the last warm-up pitch. Pedro winds up, and hurls the ball, right into the catchers waiting glove. The catcher then fires the ball to the 3rd baseman, who in turn twirls and tosses it to the 2nd baseman. He tosses it the 1st baseman, Brian Daubauch...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Models of Organizational Change Essay

Organizational change is occurring at an intense rate within modern organizations, as demands to stay current with technology and marketplace trends are ever increasing. Although knowledge exists amongst management and leadership regarding the need for change, the ability to deliver the expected results of proposed changes often fails. Recent literature actually suggests that failures are frequently attributed to the level of employee involvement and commitment, and that employees actually â€Å"play a major role in the success or failure of change within organizations† (Shin, Taylor, & Seo, 2012, p. 727). There are various theories of organizational change, many of which have corresponding models that can be applied to change processes. Although such theories have differing strategies, most share common elements, to include a clear vision for the organization, the role of the leader in the initiative, the communication process between key stakeholders and employees, and overcoming opposition to change. That said, it is the intention of this paper to evaluate two specific models of organizational change, and to appraise how each model incorporates those common elements within their framework. Kurt Lewin: Three-Phase Change Theory and Model Kurt Lewin proposed a three- phase change theory in the 1940’s; however, his theory, together with a corresponding change model, has major implications for modern organizational change initiatives. The three phases of the model are as follows: unfreeze-transition-freeze, and are meant as a straight forward approach to organizational change. What is more, Lewin’s model has been utilized by many well-known corporations, and has a proven track record of success. Role of the Leader in Lewin’s Model According to Lewin, the role of the leader in implementing the three-phase process is mutifactoral, as at each phase, leadership is central. For example, during the unfreezing phase, the leader creates a sense of urgency, which is accomplished by generating awareness and understanding of the need for change. It is also during this phase that communication between the leader, key stakeholders, and employees is essential in order to reach the next phase of transition. During the transition phase, the leader is responsible for the development of organizational structure and process changes that will ultimately be shaped by new behaviors, values and attitudes (â€Å"Kurt Lewin 3 phases change theory,† 2012, para. 3). Once the transition phase reaches the point of successful re-structuring, the final freeze stage must occur, and also be maintained. This is the point at which the leader must ensure that adaption to the change has crystallized, as the possibility for the organization to â€Å"revert back to old ways† (â€Å"Kurt Lewin 3 phases change theory,† 2012, para. 3) exists, unless the changes are continually reinforced. Three-Phase Change Model: Overcoming Resistance Although one may expect immediate resistance to change, this is generally not the case. In fact, during the unfreezing stage, â€Å"most staff and management are willing to change† (â€Å"Kurt Lewin 3 phases change theory,† 2012, p. 4); however, there are still others that will require greater provocation. The leader’s role to resistance is in generating motivation. This is done by dismantling the status quo through educational initiatives, and the provision of tangible examples of proven success. Additionally, lines of communication must remain open, allowing for the building of a guiding coalition, and the formation of an unwavering cohesiveness. Overcoming resistance also entails the leader’s personal involvement, attention to empowerment, staying open to negotiation, and use of milestones as a means for illustrating successes. As the freezing stage nears, the leader must remain cognizant of any barriers to maintaining the change. Furthermore, a forward outlook is essential, which will be sustained through effective communication, ongoing observation, training, and even â€Å"performance and reward systems† (â€Å"Kurt Lewin 3 phases change theory,† 2012, p. 5). Three-Phase Change Model and Communication Communication is truly the most central component to Lewin’s model. It is highlighted at each of the three phases, with lack of communication being a barrier to successfully transitioning between phases. That said, it must not be discounted the impact that strong lines of communication have on successful change initiatives, as high percentages of change failures are often attributed to poor communication, thus hindering the transition process (Shin et al., 2012, p. 727). Harris’s Five-Phase Model Ben Harris developed a five-phase organizational change model in the mid 1970’s. According to Harris, the phases are sequential; however, they often overlap one another (Lunenburg, 2010, p. 4). The five-phases are as follows: planning & initiation, momentum, problems, turning point, and termination. Five-Phase Model: Role of the Leader Unlike Lewin’s three-phase model, Harris’s model is less dependent upon concrete leadership initiatives at each phase. For example, per the five-phase model, the role of the leader is accentuated most at phases II-IV; posited by Lunenburg when he acknowledged â€Å"the importance of leadership at various phases of program implementation† (Lunenburg, 2010, p. 5). During planning and initiation, the leader introduces the proposed change, goals, activities, and necessary resources. , and â€Å"mounts interest among individuals† (Lunenburg, 2010, p. 5), which is dissimilar to Lewin’s creation of a sense of urgency at the unfreezing stage. During momentum, strong leadership is emphasized for the development of goal-directed activities, and the organizing of processes meant to serve as the point at which employees experience personal growth through involvement. At the problems phase, leaders must stay focused on imminent issues, including the complexity of plans, differences between involved parties with regard to perceptions and goals, demands of responsibility, conflict, and individuals not fulfilling duties and expectation (Lunenburg, 2010, p. 5). It is up to the leader to direct the actions necessary for the completion of this phase in order to move on to the turning point. During the turning point phase, the leader continues to act as facilitator for the continued growth of problems, or he moves the group forward if problems have been overcome. Solid leadership is crucial here, as the point at which the change coalition should see results of initial planning, and experience the momentum of the change process. Similar to Lewis’s transition phase, emphasis at this phase is placed on â€Å"behaviors, values, and attitudes† (â€Å"Kurt Lewin 3 phases change theory,† 2012, para. 2). At termination, the leader must attempt to break down any barriers to the success of the change. This phase comes with a twofold strategy, which on one hand addresses potential change failure, and on the other hand, the possibility for change success. It is also the point at which resistance to change becomes most evident; therefore, the investment of leadership is vital to this phase. Harris’s Five-Phase Model: Overcoming Resistance There is very little focus within Harris’s five phases on leaders’ overcoming staff resistance to change. In fact, of all five phases, it is not until termination that attention to resistance is even highlighted. Unlike Lewin’s model, which does not allow for transitioning between phases if opposition is met, Harris’s model affords for a five-phase transition, even in the face of potential failure. This is a good example of a five-phase model weakness, and three-phase model strength. Harris’s Five-Phase Model and Communication Harris’s model does not specifically stress the importance of communication as does Lewin’s model; however, it is implied in the description of the leader’s responsibilities at each phase. Noticeably, each of the five phases alludes to the need for leaders to effectively and consistently communicate with staff in order for certain activities and goals to be accomplished. The difference; however, between Lewin and Harris, is that Harris allows for the transitioning between stages even when barriers to success persist. Conclusion As organizations face the ever-increasing demands of technology, together with the challenges of staying current with marketplace trends, the need for change will remain imminent. With various strategies in existence for the execution of change initiatives, leaders must stay abreast of the specific demands of their fields, while also maintaining solid lines of communication and solid leadership within their organizations. It is also important that change models with proven effectiveness be implemented, and that they are well-matched to the situation. Relative strengths and weakness of any change model will always exist, but through solid and effective leadership, the potential to overcome such weakness and the likelihood of change success is altogether probable. References Kurt Lewin 3 phase change theory universally accepted change management. (2012). Retrieved from Lunenburg, F. (2010). Approached to managing organizational change. 1, 12, 1-10. Retrieved from,%20Fred%20C%20Approaches%20to%20Managing%20Organizational%20Change%20IJSAID%20v12%20n1%202010.pdf Shin, J., Taylor, M. S., & Seo, M. (2012, June 1). Resources for change: the relationships of organizational inducements and psychological resilience to employee’s attitudes and behaviors toward organizational change. Academy of Management Journal, 55(3), 727-748. Retrieved from

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Totem And The Coyote Columbus Story By Thomas King

The two stories ‘Totem’ and ‘The Coyote Columbus Story’ written by Thomas King are about the Aboriginal people of North America. Thomas King revisits the history of the Native American people in his stories and tells them in a symbolic and metaphorical manner, with his simple touch of humour. The stories â€Å"Totem† and â€Å"The Coyote Columbus Story† are based on historical events, where in they describe the real historical events which have occurred, rather than the ones written down otherwise. The story â€Å"Totem† illustrates the cultural biased society’s attitude towards the Aboriginal people of North America. The story â€Å"Totem† by Thomas King captures several such incidences and tells them in a bit magical and symbolic way. It tells us the story about Aboriginal people and their three centuries of history shared with the European. â€Å"The Coyote Columbus Story† by Thomas King talks about the sailo rs who claimed they had found the land of India and China, which was North America in reality, and corrects their claim in this story by retelling the true events which had actually happened. The events in this story take place at the time when Columbus arrived in North America, unlike in â€Å"Totem† where its events take place in a post-Columbus period. Thomas King says that the Canadian history has been altered and he feels he should tell them correctly. He incorporates four core elements in his story â€Å"Totem† to illustrate his point: the totem pole, Walter Hooton and his workers,Show MoreRelatedThomas King: Not Just a Reaction to Colonialism1459 Words   |  6 PagesA Coyote Columbus Story shows the Native point of view of the beginning of colonialism. When introducing Christopher Columbus into the short story, Coyote says [t]hat is the one who found Indians (King Coyote 123). In many of Kings stories, he writes narration without quotations, but this particular short story doesnt contain a single quotation. The style in which it is written is not similar to many other post-colonial texts. Rather than depicting historical facts directly and accurately